Friday, March 16, 2012

Interview with Ashley Eaves

Guest Writer: Kelley Saucier, LCCB President

     Everyone loves the bad guy. Think about all of the movies you’ve seen where you are rooting for the villain, enjoying yourself and then think, “Oh, wait Heath Ledger is evil right now.” Then you go back to rooting for Bat Man. You may have a similar experience when you watch Ashley Eaves as the wicked Carabosse in The Sleeping Beauty.
     The beautiful Miss Eaves is quite tall, model tall, so when she goes up on pointe in her fantastic costume she is quite imposing. Her height is a fabulous asset as she brings her character to life in a really big way. Believe me, you are going to love her, even though you’re supposed to hate her. Ashley and I talked about how she creates such a vivid character. “I was in the drama club at Merryville High School. I was always cast as a larger than life or obscure character. We did musicals, and in musicals you must be animated. I played lots of characters, like if there was a crazy old lady, I’d be that. I researched on YouTube a lot for this role. I watched Royal Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet. Seeing others helped. Lady Holly’s version is different, but I am able to draw from the energy of those who have created Carabosse in the past.”
     The role of Carabosse is incredibly physical. I am worn out just watching so I asked Ashley about what it takes to get through it. “It’s a heart-pounding cardio thriller! I think Lady Holly tried to see how much she could put into 4 minutes of choreography. It’s good because it’s so challenging, but I’ve got 4 minutes to change the whole story. I’m the antagonist, so if I don’t do a good job then the audience won’t understand the curse and why Lilac is so important. I hope I make it come to life. I hope people see the contrast between Addie (Saucier/Lilac) and me; that she is good and I am evil and that really comes across.”
     Carabosse spends most of her 4 minutes menacing the Royal Court of King Florestan, so we discussed the give and take on the stage. “I love interacting with Damien (Thibodeaux/Catalabutte) and Mary and Joel (Werner/King and Queen). When they come to life with their characters the more comfortable I am being the Mistress of Evil. It’s been especially good this week being in the theatre.” I have to say their interaction is one of my personal favorite parts of the ballet. They are all so believable. So, when you come to see The Sleeping Beauty, you will definitely see great acting!
     Run – do not walk – straight to the Civic Center Box Office to buy your tickets if you haven’t already done so. Trust me; you do not want to miss seeing Ashley as Carabosse. She is so much fun to watch. Dynamic, gorgeous, and thoroughly entertaining – you are going to love to hate her!

     Ashley is the 21 year old daughter of Sharon and Darrell Eaves of Merryville, Louisiana. She is a senior accounting major at McNeese State University. Ashley began her dance training in Merryville as a tap dancer. She has studied dance for 19 years, four of those being ballet training at Lady Leah Lafargue School of the Dance in ballet. In her short time at LCCB, Ashley has had many feature roles including Mother in Daguerreotype, Miss Scarlet in Clue, Hawaiian and Japanese in Rudolph. Ashley teaches tap and Jazz at Lady Leah Lafargue School of the Dance.

Profile photo by Cameron Durham / Dance photo by Romero & Romero Photography

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Ashley. Could'a told you years ago, you'd be the perfect lovely Miss Evil. I do remember...well, I better not say. Best wishes, Uncle Booger.
